Go!Scan transactional screening (name search)

Go!Scan transactional screening (name search)

The Algoreg Name Search is a transactional search tool for Adverse Media, State Owned Companies and Watchlist datasets. This tool can search for individual as well as company entities.

By default, this tool is used without any filter because its goal isn't to remove false-positive but to return all the possible matches of a manual query. If you want to use all the power of Algoreg, you should consider using the Go!Scan batch name screening product. This tool will allow you to apply precise filters and execute a daily name screening on all your customers.

Search format (API)

  "exact_match": false,
  "entity_type": 1, //1 for individual, 2 for firm
	"query": "James Martin", //Single search query, allow to omit person_input_data and company_input_data
  "post_filtering_alias": null | "" | "alias-name", //null to not use any post-filtering, empty string to use the default post-filtering settings, or use an alias.
  "person_input_data": {
    "first_name": "James",
    "last_name": "Martin",
    "date_of_birth": "1946-06-14",
    "exact_date_of_birth": true,
    "countries": string[] //Format iso3 in uppercase
  "company_input_data": {
    "company_name": "Google",
    "countries": string[] //Format iso3 in uppercase
More details are available at https://api.algoreg.com/

Record searchable fields

Each record type has a list of fields that can be searched by the NameSearch tool.


  • First name: zero to multiple names

  • Middle name: zero to multiple names

  • Last name: zero to multiple names

  • Maiden name: zero to multiple names

  • Birth date: day precision or month precision or year precision, or undefined


  • Company name: zero to multiple names

  • Trading name: zero to multiple names

Request fields

Description of the NameSearch request fields.

Entity type entity_type

This field is mandatory and determines the kind of entity to search for (ie person or company).

Query query (not yet available)

This is a single optional string that will search across first name, middle name, last name, maiden name for individuals and company name, trading name for companies. The order of names is not important.

First Name person_input_data.first_name

This string will be compared to both first name and middle name.

Last Name person_input_data.last_name

This string will be compared to both last name and maiden name.

Date of birth person_input_data.date_of_birth

This string must have the format AAAA-MM-DD . See exact_date_of_birth for more details. If a record does not have a known birth date, it is always returned.

Company Name company_input_data.company_name

This string will be compared to both company name and trading name.

Exact match exact_match

If set to true, the search name (words) must exactly matches the result names without any typos or reversed letters. If set to false the search algorithm will find close matches like reversed or missing letters. With the following rules: - for 0-2 letters, no error is accepted - for 3-5 letters, one error is accepted - for 6-9 letters, two errors are accepted - for 9- letters, three errors are accepted

Exact date of birth exact_date_of_birth

If set to true the date of birth of the record must match the day, month and year of the input. If set to false, the precision is 1 year before and after the input birth date. Records without any known birth date are always returned.

Post filtering alias post_filtering_alias

This will apply an additional filter to the results. See Post-filtering documentation for more information.

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