Go!Scan uses sanction lists to perform scanning of a given list of customers on a defined schedule (daily by default). We can integrate your own sanction lists or a specific sanction lists provider or use our default sanction lists coming from our partner Dow Jones. Our solution is fully compatible with any sanction lists provider once converted to our list format. Go!Scan contains filter capabilities allowing you to ignore a subset of sanctions depending on your needs. Go!Scan also allows you to configure what should trigger an alert.
The scanning process uses fuzzy logic to detect matches based on phonetic word comparison and works with many alphabets.
Each detected alert from Go!Scan is exported on our back office in a dedicated product section called “Alerts” and can then be reviewed.
Alert generation and post filtering
On a daily basis (or custom frequency) Algoreg will scan all your customer database and trigger alerts depending on a configuration called post-filtering. This configuration allows you to exclude some watchlists, specify the matching threshold etc. Jump here for more information ‣.
Alerts status
When you review an alert, agents will be able to update its status. If you are using Go!Team, our trained legal team will update this status for you.
Available status are:
New: The alert was just created or the system brings it back because information changed from the watchlist or from the customer information.
Pending: Human agent needs more information on this match to take a decision, so the alert is pending.
False Positive: Human agent marks this alert as a false positive. False positive means that there is no match between the person extracted from the watchlists and the person from the customer database who is being screened.
True Hit: Human agent marks this alert as a true hit. A true hit means that there is a match between the person extracted from the watchlists and the person from the customer database who is being screened. But the Human agent didn’t take the decision yet to accept or reject this person as a customer.
True Hit Accepted / Refused: If you are not using Go!Risk to assess the business relation with this customer, you can use these statuses to refine true hits you accept to work with or not, depending on the additional information you get on the person.
Integration flow
Like in Go!Risk and other of our products, you must first send your customers to Algoreg. Asynchronously Algoreg will send notification for any newly created alerts or when alerts changes status.

The received notification will contain the necessary information to update the customer status on your system. Learn more with the technical API at https://algoreg.com/api/3.7/index.html#callback-public-api---namescreening
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